Enhancement #152

Proposal: remove top-left "public space" icon

Added by Anonymous almost 13 years ago. Updated about 12 years ago.

Status:ClosedStart date:
Priority:HighDue date:
Assignee:Vicente J. Ruiz Jurado% Done:


Target version:-
Resolution:fixed Tags:


This is a controversial proposal. Explanation:
  • The home, user-space & group-space icons have a common behaviour: wherever you are, you can go there to change "view" and do actions. In Home you can view last updates & stats, in user-space your edited docs, in group-space your group view.
  • The "public" icon does not behave the same way. 1) you cannot do actions there, it's just to see "how will the page look like". 2) It DOES matter where you are in the group-space, as the "public" icon will show the public version of whatever you were seeing there. However, I may be working in my user-space and if I jump from there to the public, it'd show the last page I saw in the group-space... That's confusing.
  • I propose that this functionality, the "how will the page look like", is a preview button from the group-space. A preview button, and nothing else. Thus, you must be in the group-space to click on it. It is a preview, which people understand what is it. And it keeps the same functionality.

This suggestion comes from explaining it to different people and most finding it pretty confusing. This is especially complicated right now, when the public part is not yet implemented. I would do this change asap to minimize confusion and increase usability (instead of four top-left icons to understand, only three).

Maybe there are other alternatives to this change, but it'd be good to discuss this issue.


#1 Updated by Anonymous almost 13 years ago

It was me who sent that ticket :)

#2 Updated by Vicente J. Ruiz Jurado almost 13 years ago

Yes, it's controversial :)

I like a lot the metaphor, individual -> group -> world
you know, wave inbox is an individual perspective, and we want enforce people to be a producer of information, to share, to publish, and not to be only a consumer of information, to change people mind from a paradigm of closeness to openness, from individual creation to collective creation...

We want communication "many to many", and in real time, and not only "one to one", or "one to many". We want things "reproducible" here and there and "transparent" to the world and mmmm, I think a simple preview button lost a lot this metaphor...

Also for me it's difficult to maintain to paths of work, one stable and other "under development". For instance, I just added the "Add buddie" functionality but till now the button was there explaining "how will looks like".

Also I'm thinking in mobile and the ability to move from one space to another with your finger...

Also it will possible to move in the preview, and to click on in (as you do in Wordpress) and to jump to the edition space of some content.

Contraproposal: As in kune at 09 (pre-wave), to have this icon disabled when the content is not published (the icon is a world with a red slash over it) That should:
- suggest publish things if they are not published
- show in a fast way the status of your content (public/not public).

#3 Updated by Anonymous almost 13 years ago

I didnt understand from your contraproposal the first point... how the icon would suggest to publish things?

#4 Updated by Vicente J. Ruiz Jurado almost 13 years ago

Well if you see some world icon with a forbidden sign http://bit.ly/sLLZpa I think is very informative (if not for the general public). If you click on it, or if you put your mouse over it, it will tell you that this content is not public and if you want to publish bla, bla, bla.

#5 Updated by Anonymous almost 13 years ago

Oook +1

#6 Updated by Vicente J. Ruiz Jurado almost 13 years ago

Another related issue:

I like how Google+ show you your page, as seen by others. I was thinking that this can be useful to show how the Group Space looks like for:
- other groups members
- other authenticated users
- for anon users

You will see, for instance, how a Wikipage looks like to non-authenticated users or to other group members.

#7 Updated by Anonymous almost 13 years ago

What do you like about it? You mean sth like this?
It's pretty similar to Facebook pages seen from the public...

If I understood well, the Public Space should show how non-members see the group space from outside, without logging into Kune, right? However, they will only see the public documents (public=published, right?) of the group.

#8 Updated by Vicente J. Ruiz Jurado almost 13 years ago

No, I mean a way to test how others see your page while you are working:
is an additional preview button similar to G+ just for check things in the GroupSpace from other perspective, to check if permissions are right etc without to have to sign-out or to use another user.

#9 Updated by Anonymous almost 13 years ago


#10 Updated by Vicente J. Ruiz Jurado about 12 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Closed
  • % Done changed from 0 to 100
  • Resolution set to fixed

This option now is "optional" via kune.properties.

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