Enhancement #509

Study the integration of some easy torrent functionality

Added by Vicente J. Ruiz Jurado almost 12 years ago. Updated about 11 years ago.

Status:NewStart date:03/01/2013
Priority:LowDue date:
Assignee:-% Done:


Target version:-
Resolution: Tags:


#1 Updated by COCHISE CESAR over 11 years ago

What exactly you is suggesting here?
Host torrents in kune or integrate external (torent scpecific) search tools at him?

#2 Updated by Vicente J. Ruiz Jurado over 11 years ago

The problem: Many of our users don't know how to use P2P tools
The proposal: to study ways to make this more user friendly integrating other P2P tools
The goal: allow to users & groups to exchange big files easily in a decentralized way

#3 Updated by Akis - about 11 years ago

Vicente J. Ruiz Jurado wrote:

The problem: Many of our users don't know how to use P2P tools
The proposal: to study ways to make this more user friendly integrating other P2P tools
The goal: allow to users & groups to exchange big files easily in a decentralized way

The mentioned goal is already achieved by torrents and other p2p networks, while the mentioned problem is a problem of education. So, I believe torrents are out of the scope of Kune and that they should stay out.

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